You've been fighting with the reikai tantei for $days days. You have $yen yen and your spirit energy is $spirit_energy.
[[adventure|start adventure]]
[[romance|start romance]]
{(set: $spirit_energy to $max_spirit_energy)
(set: $days to $days + 1)}
You feel refreshed.
(display: "main")
(set: $demon_spirit_energy to (either: 2,3,5)) A (if: $demon_spirit_energy is 2)[small](else-if: $demon_spirit_energy is 3)[big](else:)[huge] demon appears!
Your current weapon is a (print: $player weapons id), which does (print: $player weapon's damage) damage.
(set: $player next weapon to $weapon's next)
(if: not ($next_weapon is 0))[
(set: $nwn to $next_weapon's id)
[[buy $nwn->buy]] ((print: $next_weapon's cost) yen, does (print: $next_weapon's damage) damage)]
[[go back home->main]]
{(set: $player to player)}
{(if: $yusuke set $yusuke_weapons_damage to (datamap: "punch", 1, "spirit gun", 3, "shotgun", 5, "spirit wave", 10, "mazoku", 20))
(set: $mazoku to (datamap: "id", "mazoku", "cost", 20000, "damage", 20, "next", 0))
(set: $spirit_wave to (datamap: "id", "spirit wave", "cost", 12500, "damage", 10, "next", $mazoku))
(set: $shotgun to (datamap: "id", "shotgun", "cost", 5000, "damage", 5, "next", $spirit_wave))
(set: $spirit_gun to (datamap: "id", "spirit gun", "cost", 3000, "damage", 3, "next", $shotgun))
(set: $punch to (datamap: "id", "punch", "cost", 10, "damage", 1, "next", $spirit_gun))
(set: $yusuke_weapon to $punch)}
{(else: $kuwabara set $kuwabara_weapons_damage to (datamap: "punch", 1, "spirit sword", 3, "demon beast donut", 10, "dimensional sword", 20))
(set: $dimensional_sword to (datamap: "id", "dimensional sword", "cost", 12500, "damage", 20, "next", 0))
(set: $demon_beast_donut to (datamap: "id", "demon beast donut", "cost", 5000, "damage", 5, "next", $dimensional_sword))
(set: $spirit_sword to (datamap: "id", "spirit sword", "cost", 3000, "damage", 3, "next", $demon_beast_donut))
(set: $punch to (datamap: "id", "punch", "cost", 10, "damage", 1, "next", $spirit_sword))
(set: $kuwabara_weapon to $punch)}
{(else: $hiei set $hiei_weapon_damage to (datamap: "punch", 1, "katana", 3, "fist_of_the_mortal_flame", 10, "dragon_of_the_darkness_flame", 20))
(set: $dragon_of_the_darkness_flame to (datamap: "id", "dragon of the darkness flame", "cost", 12500, "damage", 20, "next", 0))
(set: $fist_of_the_mortal_flame to (datamap: "id", "shotgun", "cost", 5000, "damage", 5, "next", $dragon_of_the_darkness_flame))
(set: $katana to (datamap: "id", "spirit gun", "cost", 3000, "damage", 3, "next", $fist_of_the_mortal_flame))
(set: $punch to (datamap: "id", "punch", "cost", 10, "damage", 1, "next", $katana))
(set: $hiei_weapon to $punch)}
(display: "choose your character")
(if: (either: 0, 1) is 0)[The demon bites you! (set: $spirit_energy to $spirit_energy - (either: 1,2,3))
(if: $spirit_energy < 1)[You are [[dead]]!](else:)[
Your health is $spirit_energy.
[[flee|main]] ]
](else:)[You hit the demon!
{(set:$demon_spirit_energy = $demon_spirit_energy - ($weapon's damage))}
(if: $demon_spirit_energy < 1)[The [[demon is dead]]!
](else:)[Its health is $demon_spirit_energy.
[[flee|main]] ]
(set: $streak to $streak + 1) (set: $drop to (random: 3,10) * $streak) You collect $drop yen from the demon carcass! (set: $spoils to $spoils + $drop) Your spoils are currently $spoils yen and your health is $spirit_energy. You've killed $streak demons on this adventure.
[[go home|collect spoils]]
(set: $spoils to 0) (set: $streak to 0) (display: "adventure")
(set: $yen to $yen + $spoils) (display: "main")
(if: $yen > ($next_weapon's cost))[(set: $weapon to $next_weapon) (set: $yen to $yen - ($weapon's cost)) (display: "shop")]
(else:)[You don't have enough money!
(display: "shop")]
<img src="" float="left" width="250"/><h1>[[yusuke]]</h1>
<img src="" float="left" width="250"/><h1>[[kuwabara]]</h1>
<img src="" float="left" width="250"/><h1>[[hiei]]</h1>
<img src="" float="left" width="250"/><h1>[[karasu]]</h1>
{(set: $max_spirit_energy to 10)
(set: $spirit_energy to $max_spirit_energy)
(set: $yen to 10)
(set: $points to 0)
(set: $days to 0)
(set: $romance to (datamap: "kurama_flirt", 1, "kurama_kiss", 3, "kurama_molest", 5, "kurama_rape", 8, "kurama_kidnap", 10))
(set: $kurama_kidnap to (datamap: "id", "kidnap him", "cost", 215, "points", 37, "next", 0))
(set: $kurama_rape to (datamap: "id", "make love to him", "cost", 75, "points", 8, "next", $kurama_kidnap))
(set: $kurama_molest to (datamap: "id", "date him", "cost", 50, "points", 5, "next", $kurama_rape))
(set: $kurama_kiss to (datamap: "id", "kiss him", "cost", 30, "points", 3, "next", $kurama_molest))
(set: $kurama_flirt to (datamap: "id", "flirt with him", "cost", 10, "points", 1, "next", $kurama_kiss))
(set: $kurama_romance to $kurama_flirt)
(set: $karasu_weapons_damage to (datamap: "punch", 1, "trace eyes", 3, "mad bomb", 10, "deletarious bomb", 20))
(set: $deletarious_bomb to (datamap: "id", "deletarious bomb", "cost", 12500, "damage", 20, "next", 0))
(set: $mad_bomb to (datamap: "id", "demon beast donut", "cost", 5000, "damage", 5, "next", $deletarious_bomb))
(set: $trace_eyes to (datamap: "id", "trace eyes", "cost", 3000, "damage", 3, "next", $mad_bomb))
(set: $punch to (datamap: "id", "punch", "cost", 10, "damage", 1, "next", $trace_eyes))
(set: $karasu_weapon to $punch)))
(set: $player to $karasu)}
(display: "main")
{(set: $max_spirit_energy to 10)
(set: $spirit_energy to $max_spirit_energy)
(set: $yen to 500)
(set: $points to 0)
(set: $days to 0)
(set: $romance to (datamap: "kurama_flirt", 1, "kurama_kiss", 3, "kurama_date", 5, "kurama_sex", 8, "kurama_marry", 20))
(set: $kurama_marry to (datamap: "id", "marry him", "cost", 215, "points", 20, "next", 0))
(set: $kurama_sex to (datamap: "id", "fuck him", "cost", 75, "points", 8, "next", $kurama_marry))
(set: $kurama_date to (datamap: "id", "date him", "cost", 50, "points", 5, "next", $kurama_sex))
(set: $kurama_kiss to (datamap: "id", "kiss him", "cost", 30, "points", 3, "next", $kurama_sex))
(set: $kurama_flirt to (datamap: "id", "flirt with him", "cost", 10, "points", 1, "next", $kurama_kiss))
(set: $kurama_romance to $kurama_flirt)
(set: $spirit_energy to $max_spirit_energy)
(set: $player to $yusuke)}
(display: "main")
{(set: ?player to $kuwabara)
(set: $max_spirit_energy to 6)
(set: $spirit_energy to $max_spirit_energy)
(set: $yen to 800)
(set: $points to 1)
(set: $days to 0)
(set: $romance to (datamap: "kurama_flirt", 1, "kurama_kiss", 3, "kurama_date", 5, "kurama_sex", 8, "kurama_marry", 20))
(set: $kurama_marry to (datamap: "id", "marry the man today", "cost", 215, "points", 20, "next", 0))
(set: $kurama_sex to (datamap: "id", "make love to him", "cost", 75, "points", 8, "next", $kurama_marry))
(set: $kurama_date to (datamap: "id", "date him", "cost", 50, "points", 5, "next", $kurama_sex))
(set: $kurama_kiss to (datamap: "id", "kiss him", "cost", 30, "points", 3, "next", $kurama_date))
(set: $kurama_flirt to (datamap: "id", "flirt with him", "cost", 10, "points", 1, "next", $kurama_kiss))
(set: $kurama_romance to $kurama_flirt)}
(display: "main")
{(set: $max_spirit_energy to 8)
(set: $spirit_energy to $max_spirit_energy)
(set: $yen to 200)
(set: $points to 3)
(set: $days to 0)
(set: $romance to (datamap: "kurama_flirt", 1, "kurama_kiss", 3, "kurama_date", 5, "kurama_sex", 8, "kurama_partner", 20))
(set: $kurama_partner to (datamap: "id", "partner with him", "cost", 215, "points", 20, "next", 0))
(set: $kurama_sex to (datamap: "id", "fuck him", "cost", 75, "points", 8, "next", $kurama_marry))
(set: $kurama_date to (datamap: "id", "date him", "cost", 50, "points", 5, "next", $kurama_sex))
(set: $kurama_kiss to (datamap: "id", "kiss him", "cost", 30, "points", 3, "next", $kurama_sex))
(set: $kurama_flirt to (datamap: "id", "flirt with him", "cost", 10, "points", 1, "next", $kurama_kiss))
(set: $kurama_romance to $kurama_flirt)
(set: $player to $hiei)}
(display: "main")
(set: $romance_spoils to 0) (set: $romance_streak to 0) (display: "romance")
(set: $kurama_mood to (either: 2,3,5)) Kurama is in a (if: $kurama_mood is 2)[bad](else-if: $kurama_mood is 3)[indifferent](else:)[good] mood! Will you approach him?
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